Registration Form (Personal Invitation) Name Family Given How You Would Like Your Name To Appear On Your Nametag Date of Birth Email Telephone How did you hear about the Biblical Counseling Training Conference? What experience do you have with counseling? Do you regularly attend a local Church? YesNo If you answered "yes" please provide the name of the church. Are you committed to attending the entire two year training program to the best of your ability? YesNo Do you understand that you will be expected to attend all worship sessions, q&a, workshops, and lectures should you attend the conference? YesNo Much of the conference will be presented in the English language. We strongly suggest that if you are able to understand English that you do not use a translator. If you do need translation please indicate below so that we can plan accordingly. No Translation NeededTranslation into Hungarian Do you have any special diet restrictions or requirements (Gluten Free, Lactose Free, Vegetarian, etc...)? Please provide two references that we can contact regarding your suitability for the BCTP. Reference 1: Name: Phone: Email: Reference 2: Name: Phone: Email: The conference participation fee is 15,000.00 HUF/person and INCLUDES lunch Friday and Saturday as well as provided snacks, refreshments, and coffee. If you are unable to pay the participation fee we may be able to offer some limited financial assistance. Please indicate if you plan to pay the 15,000.00 HUF participation fee yourself, if you will need to make other arrangements, or if you will need to seek financial assistance. Need AssistanceWill Provide PaymentOther What question would you most like to have answered regarding Biblical Counseling during this conference? Why do you think you should attend the training conference? Unfortunately we are unable to offer childcare during the training conference. Please make arrangements for your child/children before arriving to the conference.